Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Fill In The Blanket

Run For Covers

Sex With Vegetables Vegans

Monday, July 30, 2007
Eat Your Art Out

Peep Show

Text Book

Cutting Edge

Haute Dog Rental

Advertising Cells

Friday, July 27, 2007
Flower Arrangements

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hidden Agenda

Super Size Me

Limited Release

The movie stars Adrien Brody along with Jason Schwartzman and Owen Wilson. The movie looks more outright funny than some of Anderson's works like the Life Aquatic, but less obnoxious than say, a typical Owen Wilson movie (ahem) You, Me and Dupree. From the trailer it looks like the three men are playing brothers who embark on an adventure together. When someone asks what made them want to do so, there's a vague reference to a spiritual journey. It's a pretty slow-moving trailer until the part involving a can of mace, which made me laugh out loud, but it has that distinctively weird-cool Wes Anderson vibe to it throughout. My favorite line: "I wonder if the three of us could have been friends in real life. Not as brothers, but as people." Who hasn't wondered that at least once about one's siblings? I can't wait to see Darjeeling Limited when it opens September 28.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Electric Car = Sticker Shock

View Finder

Better View Curtains were designed by Elina Aalto of Fiasko Design and are currently on display at SAUMA, a Finnish cultural design exhibit which will be at the Los Angeles Architecture and Design Museum till August 28, 2007.
Singing In The Rain

Are musician endorsements the new celebrity endorsement? Marilyn Manson is selling Absinthe so I guess its only a matter of time before you can purchase R. Kelly closets or maybe even Lil' Mama's Lipgloss. What song do you think would have the weirdest endorsement product?
All Star's Boyfriends
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tray Chic

(Un)Business Cards

Monday, July 23, 2007
For Love Or Money?

A company called CustomReceipts will send you a one-year supply (52 receipts) for only $15. The receipt includes your name, the last four digits of your account number, a withdrawal amount and closing balance of your choosing. The example shown above shows a balance of $629,112.23 with a paltry withdrawal of only $60. Talk about a small price to pay for finding true love getting in someone's pants.
Cassette (Tape) Dispenser

Friday, July 20, 2007
Vault Lounges: A Safe Bet?

Make A Splash


Thursday, July 19, 2007
Ooma Gawd...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Upload Of Crap

Seal Of Approval

New (Absolut) Orleans

Not Another Teen Movie

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Mercedes Makes A Spectacle

A Harry Situation

Meet Market

Passport Status

Playboy photo shoots. Poker with the Playmates. Parties at the Playboy Mansion. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness never had the chance to pony up for Hugh Hefner’s lifestyle.
Lite-Brite Idea

Minnie Me

Wash Your Hands

Available at Foliage, this "Hand Soap" only costs $12 and is sure to make a great gift for say, someone who has waited on you hand and foot, or perhaps just lent you a helping hand. Weird or not, I've got to Hand it to them for not only making the soaps by hand, but using only organic products. I just wonder if these soaps are selling Hand over fist?
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tie-Dye For

Do You Look "Like A Virgin"?

Friday, July 13, 2007
Oh Good Grief, Tourism

Absinthe Minded

Book Burning, Man

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Reservations about Reservations?

In New York City, reservations are serious business, or I shall I say a new business. Allow me to introduce you to TableXchange, a new website devoted to scoring you New York's hard to get reservations at the hottest restaurants in town. Wish you can eat at Nobu or PerSe, no problem! The only thing you have to decide is for how many and what time. Think of TableXchange like a concert ticket broker, but instead of two tickets to The Blue Man Group you get a table for two at Blue Water Grill. Procrastinators, eat your heart out.
Wheel You Look At That

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

VeeVIP Cocktails

Launched by a pair of ambitious, cause-minded Gen Y brothers, this new liquor brand is changing the way Los Angelinos and all these celebrities drink, one hotspot at a time.
In addition to becoming a permanent “mixture” at many entertainment industry mainstays like Winston’s, Parc, Les Deux and Bar Marmont, the açaí-infused spirit has also made appearances at high profile political functions for both Hillary and Barack. In addition to açaí ‘s superfruit properties, VeeV also boasts other exotic ingredients, such as prickly pear and acerola cherry, that are reputed to minimize the pain of the morning after.
Health and hangovers aside, my favorite thing about VeeV is that they are donating $1 for every bottle sold to Amazonian rain forest charities which is something I'll definitely drink to anyday!
Wallet You Know

See String?

Just when we thought every kind of panty had already been invented, they come out with the C-String Invisible Underwear. Instead of having to deal with annoying underwear lines, this C-String provides coverage without the panty straps. Here's how it works: The C-String has a flexible internal frame that hugs and holds to your body. At the front it looks like a normal sexy underwear and to the rear it has a thong-style strip. To learn more, watch a video about the C-String.
Time To Jet