Wednesday, July 25, 2007

All Star's Boyfriends

What is Alyssa Milano’s deal with major league baseball players? Milano has been linked to major league pitchers Barry Zito, Carl Pavano and Brad Penny. But now it seems she has her eyes on Los Angeles Dodger catcher Russell Martin. Is it that she dates these guys to further her new Baseball themed jewelry line called TOUCH which is set to launch at the upcoming MAGIC show in Las Vegas from August 27-30, 2007 or is she just a bonified cleat-chaser? Alyssa is not the only Hollywood girl with her eyes on a baseball diamond, Eliza Dushku and Dodger's pitcher and might I add Alyssa's ex, Brad Penny are apparently a new couple. All I have to say is becareful girls, locker rooms have nicknames for girls like you. So what's the deal, have baseball players replaced British dudes as the new trophy boyfriend?

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