Thursday, July 26, 2007

Limited Release

The much-abuzzed Wes Anderson movie Darjeeling Limited has a new trailer out. For even the most jaded of Wes Anderson fans, you know you're curious about it.

The movie stars Adrien Brody along with Jason Schwartzman and Owen Wilson. The movie looks more outright funny than some of Anderson's works like the Life Aquatic, but less obnoxious than say, a typical Owen Wilson movie (ahem) You, Me and Dupree. From the trailer it looks like the three men are playing brothers who embark on an adventure together. When someone asks what made them want to do so, there's a vague reference to a spiritual journey. It's a pretty slow-moving trailer until the part involving a can of mace, which made me laugh out loud, but it has that distinctively weird-cool Wes Anderson vibe to it throughout. My favorite line: "I wonder if the three of us could have been friends in real life. Not as brothers, but as people." Who hasn't wondered that at least once about one's siblings? I can't wait to see Darjeeling Limited when it opens September 28.

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