Wednesday, July 11, 2007

See String?

We've all heard of G-Strings, but C-Strings?

Just when we thought every kind of panty had already been invented, they come out with the C-String Invisible Underwear. Instead of having to deal with annoying underwear lines, this C-String provides coverage without the panty straps. Here's how it works: The C-String has a flexible internal frame that hugs and holds to your body. At the front it looks like a normal sexy underwear and to the rear it has a thong-style strip. To learn more, watch a video about the C-String.


  1. Great site! I'm adding you to my favorites. I would like to think that I'm pretty good at keeping up on new things (especially fashion), but I had never heard of the C String. I wonder how comfortable it is and how it holds up to washing?!
