You would have appreciated an invitation to the beach this weekend. But your roommate didn’t think to ask you. Maybe you’ll do some redecorating to get them back — er, pass the time.
While you’ve got the place to yourself, why not plaster the wall with a gigantic homemade poster of a sunset (or an offensive picture from the Web)?
All you need is the free, easy-to-use Rasterbator software. Run the program, upload any image, pick gonzo dimensions, and the rasterbated image will automatically be split onto multiple pages for B&W or color printing and reassembly. In no time, you’ll have a larger-than-life-size poster of the Amagansett sky (or your favorite porno scene). When the roommate sees it, you’ll share a laugh, and the printer will be taken out of your possession forever.
Bummer, since rasterbation is nothing to be ashamed of.
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