Friday, June 29, 2007

The Poster Service

You would have appreciated an invitation to the beach this weekend. But your roommate didn’t think to ask you. Maybe you’ll do some redecorating to get them back — er, pass the time.

While you’ve got the place to yourself, why not plaster the wall with a gigantic homemade poster of a sunset (or an offensive picture from the Web)?

All you need is the free, easy-to-use Rasterbator software. Run the program, upload any image, pick gonzo dimensions, and the rasterbated image will automatically be split onto multiple pages for B&W or color printing and reassembly. In no time, you’ll have a larger-than-life-size poster of the Amagansett sky (or your favorite porno scene). When the roommate sees it, you’ll share a laugh, and the printer will be taken out of your possession forever.

Bummer, since rasterbation is nothing to be ashamed of.

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